Can I change the name of my guest on my reservation?

Can I change the name of my guest on my reservation?

Yes, you may change the name of the guest on your reservation. Please be aware of the following rules and limitations:
  • Only the Primary Guest can make changes to the reservation, such as adding or removing guests or changing names.

  • If your guest has financial responsibility on this reservation, their consent is required.

  • If a guest is removed from a reservation, their balance becomes the Primary Guest's responsibility. Payments made by the removed guest will NOT be refunded.

  • It is between the guests in the reservation to work out the finances and fees.

  • No fees will be charged through June 30, 2025, for name changes and name additions. See the fee schedule below.

  • The Primary Guest may initiate a name addition or change

Name Additions Fees

  • July 1st - July 18th, the fee is $25.00 per person added to the reservation

  • July 19th - August 21st, the fee is $75.00 per person added to the reservation

  • August 21st is the FINAL deadline for all reservation changes

Name Additions after August 21, 2025, are not guaranteed

Name Changes Fees

  • July 1st - July 18th, the fee is $50.00 per person

  • July 19th - August 21st, the fee is $100.00 per person

  • August 21st is the FINAL deadline for all reservation changes

Name Changes after August 21, 2025, are not guaranteed